Thursday, January 24, 2013

2013 Update, Prilepin's Table Meets RPEs Visuals

By Andrew McGunagle

Hey Strength Musings readers! I have been a bit inconsistent with my blogging lately, but it is not because I have been slacking off! I have a number of cool articles lined up for 2013, many of which I hope to get published on various strength training websites. Each time one gets published, I will be sure to post the link here.

Also, I am taking an awesome class this quarter called Media and Technology in Science and Human Performance. I am acquiring many useful new multimedia skills, and I am getting scores of fresh ideas for blog content. Expect to see more visuals in the near future! Here is a small sampling of what I have been working on (click on the images to make them larger and more readable):

If you are not familiar with Prilepin's Table or RPE's, do not worry. I will be posting an article explaining these incredibly useful tools and tables soon. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading!  


  1. Hello,

    could you tell me what the @10, @9, @8 etc means in the table, It might be a simple thing but apparently I can't figure it out haha.


    Thijs from the Netherlands

    1. Hi Thijs,

      The @10, @9, @8 etc are RPEs, which stands for Rating of Perceived Exertion. Here's an article where you can learn more:

      Let me know if you need any help!

  2. Andrew,

    Do you have a graphic for the "Dynamic Effort Method"? Cheers.


    1. Hi Chris,

      I don't have a graphic specifically for the DE method, but parameters for it can be inferred with the second graphic above. Focus on RPEs of @6-8 and reps of 1-4 and you'll be all set (usually the standard Westside protocol is 8 sets of 3 @6-7). I don't have any @6 RPEs on the chart, but you can fill them in below the @7's. Hope that helps!
